Sunday, October 23, 2011

Coding for Computer students

Coding is nothing

man was nothing, coding was started
sand was saying, coding was nothing

man has started, coding was started
sand was saying, coding has nothing

man was running, hoping for coding
sand was looking, hoping for coding
condition was started, man was writing
condition was ended, sand was thinking

cases were needed, switching were applying
races were headed, racing was chasing

loopin was cased, raining were seeing
carin was mazed, clicking were hearing

man was thinked, stilling with looking
sand was challenged, hoping with thinking

coding was needed, man was needed
coding was started, man was succeeded

challenge was ended, braces were ended
codin was ended, braces were closed

man was ringing, sand was opening
sand was astonishing, man was embrassing

1 comment:

  1. Jazakallahukhairun actully this is prepared on the israr of Sir Faheem (lab incharge) for the Freshmen students.
